The wonderful nurses at my work all pitched in and bought me this wonderful basinett. Adam has been sleeping in it so well. It even rocks like a cradle, so late at night when he gets a little fussy, I can just rock him back to sleep without getting him out of bed. He is quite the noisy little guy, making all kinds of coos and ahhs at night. I am not so sure how much longer he will last in our room, we may have to move the basinett into his room. He still looks too little for his giant crib. The basinett is just low enough that Casey can look in and check on Adam. It is so cute to see her peering over the edge of the basinett and just making sure that he is OK.
Casey has been doing pretty well with Adam. Although when he cries very loud, she still runs and hides under the bed. I think that his shrill cry is just too much for her doggy ears.
Everything is going well, but mom and dad are tired everynight. We can't wait for my mom to come back next week and spoil us a little more. All in all everything is going very well.
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