Saturday, October 10, 2009


We are here and settled in. JR started school this week and is very busying studying for his first test which is on Tuesday. If you have the time send him a text or email to route him on! I started work at the new hospital and have been in computer training h%&$ all week. They have the same computer system that my previous hospital had so I know all of the tricks and have been soooooo bored in class all week. This weekend we decided to take some time and check out one of the local beaches. Ft. DeSoto National Park is a great park that has a dog beach that some of my new co-workers recommended. So we packed it up, baby, doggy, beach tent and all and headed to the dog beach. It is close it took us about 20 minutes to get there, and 85cents in tolls. We got all unpacked and headed to the beach. There was tons of dogs there and surprisingly Casey did really well around the other dogs and thier owners. She beelined for the water and swam and swam for three hours. Adam also had a great time "swimming" in the water. He is just mesmerized by Casey, he could spot her out of all of the other dogs and would not take his eyes off of her the whole time she was playing. Casey is also very protective of Adam and us. Anytime we would go and take Adam down in the water she would spot us and start swimming towards us. So Casey met a lot of new doggy friends and we will for sure go back, because she has been sleeping for hours now! I am posting the cutest picture of a pug that was surfing and "carried" his own surf board around the beach. It was really attached to his harness and he was inadvertenally dragging it behind him, but it was so cute. Casey did not know what to think of that little dog surfing, but she sure did enjoy watching him on his surf board.

Anyway...say prayers for luck for JR on his test, and for me starting the real work on the unit this week. I am a little nervous because I have not really ever been anything other than a NICU nurse and I am in a different unit now. I am working in the cardiovascular ICU at a free standing pediatric hospital, so even though most of the patients are babies, it is totally different than what I have been doing...more to come

Saturday, June 13, 2009

Going back to work

On Monday, I am going back to work for the first time since the end of February. I am a little nervous because while I was on maternity leave the NICU at children's moved to a much bigger and "better" unit. All of the other staff have had a month to get used to the new unit, but I have not, so I feel as though I will be asking a lot of "where do we keep...", "how do I..." I am sure you get the picture. Adding in all of the other complex issues of child care, pumping because I am still nursing Adam, and just missing my little guy. I will let you all know how it bonus is that I fit into my scrub pants again, just not the tops (mainly because my chest is too big, I can't get the tops over it). But as long as my pants fit, I have plenty of t-shirts I can wear. Oh, well!

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Baptism Pictures

Adam's Godparents

The Family
The Bigger Family

Adam and Daddy


Adam and Granddaddy

Adam and Mommy

Saturday, May 9, 2009

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Weight Watchers

So, since the baby weight sort of stopped naturally coming off, and I know that I have not been eating very healthy, I decided to join Weight Watchers. So I went to my first meeting on Tuesday night, and enjoyed it, everyone was very nice there. After learning all about the points system and how to make healthier choices, etc, I decided to try it out. The first thing is that they give you a certain amount of points, and I get 32 points in a day, which is A LOT! I thought that I would most likely have a hard time eating all of that food, especially since I want to eat the healthier foods, and many of them are no or just a couple of points. So yesterday, I had six points left at the end of the day and the lady said I had to eat all of my points, so I had JR go and get me some peanut m&m's. Today, I am doing a little better because Adam is not so fussy and actually is letting me put him down for a few minutes, so I ate breakfast and a snack, and have my lunch and dinner all planned out with a healthy snack for the afternoon. It is funny how when you start thinking about what you are eating and putting in your body, how much easier it is to plan the meals right out. My problem before was that I was so consumed caring for Adam, that I would go half the day and realize that I had not eaten anything, let alone anything with any good substance. So now, that I am really thinking about it, I have been eating more, and healthier. So we shall see on Tuesday if I lost any weight...

Baptism Update: May 31st

Sorry, everyone for the confusion about the date of the Baptism for Adam. Our church is going thru some changes etc. So, Rev. Dize and I had to change the date of the Baptism to May 31st at 9 am at our congregations other church. So those who are interested in coming to the actual ceremony are more than welcome, but we are planning on having a party around 12 that afternoon, and we would take no offense if people only came to the party, and would prefer that because the Church where the Baptism is going to take place is quite small.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009


Adam's Baptism is tentatively scheduled for June 14th. Please let me know if that date works for you all. We really want all of his "aunts and uncles" to be there!!!


I just opened a facebook account for my mom, so if you are on facebook please "friend" her. Her name is Patricia June Miller for the search or you can just look at my friends and "friend" her that way. Feel free to put her on limited profile if you don't want her to see everything that you do, she won't know the difference anyway! Bringing Patti into the technology age, next is J.R.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

J.R. and his Fish
Adam and G.G.

The Family

Florida Pictures...

The Family
Adam and Grandmommy
Adam and G.G.

4 Generations

Who is #1?

Monday, April 13, 2009

Sunny Florida

We arrived in Florida on Saturday, and have been busy since the moment we got here. A few highlights...Adam did very well on the plane. He did not cry once, and only peeped when he got hungry mid flight. When we landed 30 minutes early, we were able to hit the head and get our luggage just in perfect time to see Dad's pimped out Lexus rolling around the arrival area. We hopped in the car and made it to Piper's Landing in 45 minutes. Once we got here, my grandmother, who we have renamed G.G. for Great Grandmommy snatched Adam out of my arms and has not let go except for feeding times. He is in heaven being held 24/7 by G.G. on the porch. The weather is beautiful here. Yesterday, we all got up and got dressed in our nice clothes, Adam in his Sailor suit, and headed to the club for brunch. My aunt Susie, her husband Dave, and two kids Erin and Daniel met us here for brunch. As soon as we finished first, seconds, thirds, and for me fourths, and dessert we came back to the house for some swimming. Adam didn't feel like swimming, so G.G. held him while we all went in the pool and hot tub. The pool is a perfect 88 degrees and the hot tub 100. Are you all jealous yet? Today, J.R. went fishing with dad and his rent-a-friend/fishing mate. I am catching up on some studying and rest, and Adam is happily in G.G.'s arms. More later with pics...

Friday, April 10, 2009

Lovely Lunch...

Yesterday I had the pleasure of a wonderful visit from my Aunt Frances. She took me out to a wonderful lunch at my favorite restaurant, The Narrows. I had crab cakes, and had not had them in a while due to "budgetary constraints." Adam loved seeing his Great Aunt Frances (boy does that sound old). I think he will just have to call her Aunt Frances, because she definitely looks young enough to be his regular aunt. Then we came back to my house and had a great chat about motherhood and life. Aunt Frances knows all of the tricks, by the way, to calm a gassy, refluxing baby. It was just nice to be an adult for a few hours and have someone else play with and entertain Adam. Thank you, Aunt Frances, for a lovely day.

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

New definition of lazy...

Shelby thinks she is the baby. Everyday we find her in a new baby item, the crib, stroller, pack and play, and even the moses basket. I do laundry everyday from her bing in the baby things...she defines lazy on this one though. I think she really expected us to walk her around outside in the stroller.

One month!!!

This is Adam's one month picture. Is he not the cutest little baby boy ever? This last month has been wonderful. Just seeing him with his eyes opening more and being more awake has been so wonderful. He even outgrew many of his newborn outfits and fits into a lot of his three month clothes. he has been sleeping longer at night, too, which is wonderful. We are just overjoyed with this little guy, as you can see in my last post he brings nothing but smiles to our faces.


I can't remember smiles this big in the last year...we are so thankful for Adam...

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

March of Dimes Walk

I have decided to walk in the March of Dimes walk in Washington, DC on March 26th. I am trying to raise 500$, so if you feel like donating please contact me. I am very excited about doing this 4 mile walk because JR and Adam are coming with me. It is very important for me to raise some money for the March of Dimes because of the nature of my job. More later...

Monday, March 30, 2009

Time flies...

Time has been flying by. I can't believe that Adam is 4 weeks old and I have to go back to work in less than 12 weeks. I have so much to do before I go back to work, it is crazy. I have to take the RNC exam on April 20th and really need to study, but everytime I sit down to do it, it seems as though the baby wakes or needs to eat. It is crazy how those three hours between feedings just fly by. I used to be able to get so much done in three hours, but now I don't know what I accomplish. Plus, Adam is awake a lot more now, and likes to be entertained and how can I not entertain him...he is so cute. Anyway, I need to study, so I will have to end this post now...more to come later.

Friday, March 27, 2009

Baby Photo Contest

So my friend Fletcher works for a local paper called the Tidewater Trader, and this paper is having a baby photo contest. She called and asked me if I wanted to enter Adam's picture and of course I did. I entered the picture posted below and one of my cousin, Emily's, photographs. If that chubby cheeked smile does not win the contest, the other contestents must be Gerber babies. Wish us good luck and if he does win I will post the winning photo.

Smiling baby....

Teeny-boppers Beware!!!

Two nights ago, I had the pleasure of going to a Twilight viewing party at a friend from work's house. It was soooooo much fun. I thought that I was a fan of Twilight (mainly the books), but these women were hard core. The was a lifesize poster cut out of Edward, homemade signs welcoming us to Forks, bloody jello shots, blood red chocolate fondue, and of couse I was one of the only ones without a Twilight tee-shirt. Plus, I was the only team Jacob person there, which made it a little awkward (they made me sit in the corner). Also, there was trivia after the movie was over. I did win one question, and won a prize. The attendees are so serious about Twilight that they are already planning the party for the release of New Moon on November 20th. All in all, it was a great first nigh out without the baby and hubby. Also, while I was there I had my first alcoholic drink in almost a year. It is dubbed the ERICA and it is blueberry vodka and lemonade. Very tasty.

Sunday, March 22, 2009


Today we took Adam to church for the first time...He was great. He did not cry at all, even when all of the other babies were crying. Then he came home and slept for 4 hours and so did mommy. It was absolute bliss.

Friday, March 20, 2009

Fussy Baby

Today Adam has been especially fussy today. I think it is because I had a pepsi last night. I just could not resist the caffiene, but will avoid it in the future. He finally fell asleep about an hour ago, after needing to be held all day. I think that the fussy spell of today is offically over, and I am sure glad. I will post some cute pictures that I took with my phone later...

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Dedicated to Blogging

So I have decided to become more dedicated to blogging, now that I have baby Adam. I think that this is a good way for people to stay in touch. So please stay posted for new pictures and posts. I do have a lot more time on my hands, since I am on maternity leave for the time being. So stay posted...


So I read all of the Stephanie Myers' Twilight series, and went and saw the movie on opeining night with my cousins (I know I am a dork, and not 15, but could not resist). But my friend, Leena, from work, is totally obsessed with Twilight and Edward. She is so obsessed that she invited me to a Twilight viewing party at her home next week. I am debating whether to go, because I would have to bring the baby with me. But I am looking forward to going to see everyone from work and to watch this horribly cheesy movie with my friends.

When we were speaking on the phone earlier, Leena and I were remembering the movie and how cheesy parts of it were. The most cheesy part was when Edward revealed his true self in the light. He looked like they had smeared him with Crisco and rolled him in glitter. I do look forward to seeing that part again. Hopefully the next movie will have a bigger budget and the special effects will be better. But who knows?


The wonderful nurses at my work all pitched in and bought me this wonderful basinett. Adam has been sleeping in it so well. It even rocks like a cradle, so late at night when he gets a little fussy, I can just rock him back to sleep without getting him out of bed. He is quite the noisy little guy, making all kinds of coos and ahhs at night. I am not so sure how much longer he will last in our room, we may have to move the basinett into his room. He still looks too little for his giant crib. The basinett is just low enough that Casey can look in and check on Adam. It is so cute to see her peering over the edge of the basinett and just making sure that he is OK.
Casey has been doing pretty well with Adam. Although when he cries very loud, she still runs and hides under the bed. I think that his shrill cry is just too much for her doggy ears.
Everything is going well, but mom and dad are tired everynight. We can't wait for my mom to come back next week and spoil us a little more. All in all everything is going very well.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009


Robert Adam Walters

Born 3/2/09 at 16:34

Weighing 7lbs 6oz

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Working in the Snow

Today, when I woke up there was a sheet of ice on Hess Road, and I had to go to work. Well, thankfully, JR decided to drive me. It took us about a 1/2 hour longer to get to Children's than usual, and Casey came in the car. I am sooooo tired though, because I got up at 4 in order to guage the whole road situation. Now, JR has to come and get me after work, too. So I got my wish which was to have a driver to and from work, but I also wanted it to be in a Lincoln Town Car. Oh, well, something to shoot for at least. PS- Baby Walters is doing well, and hanging in there. Only about 7 and a 1/2 weeks to go!