Casey is the newest edition to our family. She is a pure bread "golden" lab. She has been so much fun and here are some pictures of her. These pictures are of her on her first night here. She was only 7 weeks old. JR picked her out from a litter of yellow labs because she had the same color hair that he has. The first few nights were very rough, because we were crate training her, but now she sleeps all night. She is quite a bundle of energy, requiring at least one hour walks daily, which is also good for me. More on later posts with more pics of her as she grows...
Your puppy is SO cute. Thanks for sharing your blog with us. Hopefully I will get my act together and start one too. It is a good way to keep up with eachother and our busy lives!
Oh my gosh he is soooooo cute! Addy would die if I got her a puppy. Maybe one day...BTW...she loves her purse and carries it with her everywhere. Thanks again
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