Thursday, April 23, 2009
Weight Watchers
So, since the baby weight sort of stopped naturally coming off, and I know that I have not been eating very healthy, I decided to join Weight Watchers. So I went to my first meeting on Tuesday night, and enjoyed it, everyone was very nice there. After learning all about the points system and how to make healthier choices, etc, I decided to try it out. The first thing is that they give you a certain amount of points, and I get 32 points in a day, which is A LOT! I thought that I would most likely have a hard time eating all of that food, especially since I want to eat the healthier foods, and many of them are no or just a couple of points. So yesterday, I had six points left at the end of the day and the lady said I had to eat all of my points, so I had JR go and get me some peanut m&m's. Today, I am doing a little better because Adam is not so fussy and actually is letting me put him down for a few minutes, so I ate breakfast and a snack, and have my lunch and dinner all planned out with a healthy snack for the afternoon. It is funny how when you start thinking about what you are eating and putting in your body, how much easier it is to plan the meals right out. My problem before was that I was so consumed caring for Adam, that I would go half the day and realize that I had not eaten anything, let alone anything with any good substance. So now, that I am really thinking about it, I have been eating more, and healthier. So we shall see on Tuesday if I lost any weight...
Baptism Update: May 31st
Sorry, everyone for the confusion about the date of the Baptism for Adam. Our church is going thru some changes etc. So, Rev. Dize and I had to change the date of the Baptism to May 31st at 9 am at our congregations other church. So those who are interested in coming to the actual ceremony are more than welcome, but we are planning on having a party around 12 that afternoon, and we would take no offense if people only came to the party, and would prefer that because the Church where the Baptism is going to take place is quite small.
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
Adam's Baptism is tentatively scheduled for June 14th. Please let me know if that date works for you all. We really want all of his "aunts and uncles" to be there!!!
I just opened a facebook account for my mom, so if you are on facebook please "friend" her. Her name is Patricia June Miller for the search or you can just look at my friends and "friend" her that way. Feel free to put her on limited profile if you don't want her to see everything that you do, she won't know the difference anyway! Bringing Patti into the technology age, next is J.R.
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
Monday, April 13, 2009
Sunny Florida
We arrived in Florida on Saturday, and have been busy since the moment we got here. A few highlights...Adam did very well on the plane. He did not cry once, and only peeped when he got hungry mid flight. When we landed 30 minutes early, we were able to hit the head and get our luggage just in perfect time to see Dad's pimped out Lexus rolling around the arrival area. We hopped in the car and made it to Piper's Landing in 45 minutes. Once we got here, my grandmother, who we have renamed G.G. for Great Grandmommy snatched Adam out of my arms and has not let go except for feeding times. He is in heaven being held 24/7 by G.G. on the porch. The weather is beautiful here. Yesterday, we all got up and got dressed in our nice clothes, Adam in his Sailor suit, and headed to the club for brunch. My aunt Susie, her husband Dave, and two kids Erin and Daniel met us here for brunch. As soon as we finished first, seconds, thirds, and for me fourths, and dessert we came back to the house for some swimming. Adam didn't feel like swimming, so G.G. held him while we all went in the pool and hot tub. The pool is a perfect 88 degrees and the hot tub 100. Are you all jealous yet? Today, J.R. went fishing with dad and his rent-a-friend/fishing mate. I am catching up on some studying and rest, and Adam is happily in G.G.'s arms. More later with pics...
Friday, April 10, 2009
Lovely Lunch...
Yesterday I had the pleasure of a wonderful visit from my Aunt Frances. She took me out to a wonderful lunch at my favorite restaurant, The Narrows. I had crab cakes, and had not had them in a while due to "budgetary constraints." Adam loved seeing his Great Aunt Frances (boy does that sound old). I think he will just have to call her Aunt Frances, because she definitely looks young enough to be his regular aunt. Then we came back to my house and had a great chat about motherhood and life. Aunt Frances knows all of the tricks, by the way, to calm a gassy, refluxing baby. It was just nice to be an adult for a few hours and have someone else play with and entertain Adam. Thank you, Aunt Frances, for a lovely day.
Wednesday, April 8, 2009
New definition of lazy...

One month!!!

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